Holistic life


bladder leakage can be corrected with Ayurveda Medicines

As a first aid you can try this 
Place a hot water bottle between your ankles to stop the dribbling.
This is not a cure for the problem.  
Leakage is a sign that the male hormone in your Bladder muscle is down.  Hormones go down as we age.
One way to strengthen the Bladder muscle is the following exercise.

Do this exercise sitting down for best results.  It strengthens all the female organs, the pelvic floor muscles and the Sphincter.
1.    Begin by pulling all the muscles up tight as though trying to stop urinating.
2.    Hold, counting slowly for as long as possible, then relax.
3.    Repeat this 9 more times.
4.    Do this series of 10 exercises at least 10x each day.  Over 5 or 6 weeks, the muscles will strengthen and the leaking problem should start to disappear.  After that do the exercises a few times a week to keep the muscles from weakening again.
NOTE: The Bladder area in a man doesn't empty out properly when standing up to urinate.  It is advisable for men to sit down when urinating.  This prevents prostate problems from occurring later in life.

NOTE: A frequent, recurring urge to urinate is often caused by a Bladder Infection.  Get it checked out by your doctor.

NOTE: Don't sit on the cold ice when putting on your skates.  In a few days, bladder infections are likely.




1. For the first 5 days, take 4 glasses of APPLE JUICE every day or eat 4 or 5 apples, which ever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gall stones. During these 5days normal diet can be followed, but better to take light food.

2. On the 6th day, avoid dinner. At 6pm,take a teaspoon of EPSOM SALT(MgSo4) with a glass of warm water.

3.At 8pm on the same day, again take one teaspoon of EPSOM SALT with warm water .
(dosage of Epsom salt can be increased, in 'kroora koshta')
Epsom salt opens the gall bladder.

4.At 10 pm on the same day, take half cup of sesame oil or olive oil with half cup of fresh lemon juice. Mix it well & drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to easy their passage. The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools. Usually they float. Even if you don’t have any symptoms of gall bladder stones, you can try this. It is always good to give your gall bladder clean up now then.


1.Cost effective.

2.Duration of medication-very less.

3.No side effects.

(In a very few cases, this procedure was a failure. In modern medicine, surgery is the only option for gall bladder stone. Hence, while considering all these factors, we can advise this protocol in all types of gall bladder stones)

How to stop drinking alcohol

IntroductionDate updated: October 02, 2007 Jeannette Curtis Content provided by Healthwise
You can take steps today to stop drinking. Your first step might be to see your doctor, contact a support group, or set a date in the near future to stop. While some people can stop drinking on their own, others need medical help to manage the physical process of withdrawal.
If you think you have an addiction to alcohol, talk to your doctor about whether you need to withdraw from alcohol under medical supervision. Your doctor can give you medicine that will help you safely withdraw from alcohol. Other medicines might be prescribed later to help you stay sober. With a doctor's help, withdrawal from alcohol is safer.

Stopping alcohol use can:

Prevent or reduce health problems that are made worse by alcohol use, such as liver damage.
Prevent harm to your unborn baby if you are pregnant.
Reduce related family concerns or relationship problems.
Increase your ability to be productive at work, school, and home.
Reduce legal problems that you might have as a result of misuse of alcohol.
What resources are available to help you cut down on or stop alcohol use on your own?Why should I stop drinking?How to stop alcohol useWhere to get more information
More information about alcohol problems can be found in the topics Alcohol Abuse and Dependence, Alcohol and Drug Problems, and Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse.

Alcohol Abuse and Dependence

What resources are available to help you cut down on or stop alcohol use on your own?
You need education and emotional support when you stop drinking, especially if you abuse alcohol or are alcohol-dependent. Some resources that can help you stop drinking include:
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Alcoholics Anonymous organizes meetings all over the world to help those who have a desire to stop drinking. The groups are made up of people who have had alcohol use problems, and you may remain anonymous.

Family medicine physicians or other doctors, psychologists, or other health professionals.
Inpatient or outpatient treatment centers or hospitals.

Local or national alcohol treatment hotlines (check your local white and yellow pages).
You can contact these organizations and health professionals by phone or by accessing their Web sites online.

Test Your Knowledge

If you want to stop drinking, you can seek help with any of the following: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), your family doctor or counselor, a local hospital or alcohol treatment facility, or a local or national alcohol treatment hotline, which you can find in your local phone directory.



Why should I stop drinking?

Stopping your use of alcohol can improve your general health and quality of life. It can also increase the quality of life of the people you live with and those who care about you. You decrease your chances of developing serious health problems associated with alcohol abuse or dependence. You reduce your chances of injuring yourself or others in alcohol-related accidents. You might also improve relationships with your parents, children, and spouse or other close loved ones. Not drinking also is a good way for you to model responsible behavior for younger people, particularly children and teens.

You can take steps today to stop drinking.

Your first step might be to contact a support group, see your doctor, or set a date in the near future to stop. While some people can stop drinking on their own, others need medical help to manage the physical process of withdrawal.

If you think you have an addiction to alcohol, talk to your doctor about whether you need to withdraw from alcohol under medical supervision. Your doctor can give you medicine that will help you safely withdraw from alcohol. Other medicines might be prescribed later to help you stay sober. With a doctor's help, withdrawal from alcohol is safer.

Test Your Knowledge

If you think you have a problem with alcohol abuse or dependence, you should stop drinking.



How to stop alcohol use

Follow these steps to stop drinking alcohol.

Identify your reasons . Make a list of the reasons you want to stop drinking alcohol. You might want to ask a trusted friend or family member to help you make the list complete. Keep this list so that you can renew your commitment from time to time. Use the form for identifying reasons to cut down on or stop alcohol use (What is a PDF document?).

Make a plan. Set a date to stop drinking. Complete a plan to stop drinking alcohol. Post it in a place where you can see it often, such as on your refrigerator door or bathroom mirror. You might want to put it in more than one place. You also might want to put it on a card and keep it in your purse or wallet. See an example of a plan to stop drinking alcohol (What is a PDF document?).

Share your plan with others. Talk with your family members and trusted friends about your plan. Let them know how they can help you to be successful.

Evaluate your progress. In your plan, identify when you will evaluate your progress. Try a plan for 30 days so that the new behavior becomes a habit. Review your reasons for stopping alcohol use. Write down the benefits that you are seeing. If you drank after successfully stopping (relapse), it does not mean that you have failed. Relapse is common. Begin again, using your experience to help you learn how to stick with your plan this time.

Continue your new behaviors. After trying this plan for 30 days, try it for another 30 days. Like anything else in life, it is not easy to change behavior, even when it might be in your best interest. But the more you practice new behaviors, the more likely it is that they will become habits. If you try this plan but are not successful, talk with your doctor about other ways to stop drinking alcohol.Other things you can do

The following are other ideas that can help in your plan to stop using alcohol:

Avoid stumbling blocks . Many things can interfere with meeting your goal to cut down on or stop drinking. You might need to choose new friends or a new lifestyle if your current life revolves around alcohol use. To stay focused on your goal and succeed, see ideas to help you stop using alcohol on your own.

Attend a self-help group. Some people attend self-help groups to help them stick to their plan to cut down on or stop drinking. If you are not sure whether a self-help group is for you but would like to try, go to a group at least 3 times before you make your decision. There are different types of groups (such as men or women only, discussion, and speaker). Go to another group if the first one does not fit your needs.

Reward yourself. Use the money you once spent on drinking to do something fun with your family or friends. Go out to eat, see a movie, or play sports or a game.

Test Your Knowledge

To stop drinking alcohol, you need to:

Identify your reasons.

Make a plan.

Evaluate your progress.

Where to get more information

If you have questions about this information, take it with you when you visit your doctor or other health professional. You might want to mark areas or make notes where you have questions.

If you try this plan to stop using alcohol and are not successful, talk with your doctor about other ways to get help.

Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Male Fertility

While it has been well documented how the use of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy can affect a developing fetus, the fact that these substances can also harm male fertility is not as well known. When you and your partner are trying to conceive, it is best to cut alcohol and drugs from your life.

AlcoholMen who regularly drink large amounts of alcohol or engage in binge drinking (four or more drinks in one evening) are likely to have serious problems with their fertility. Alcoholics often have problems with achieving and maintaining an erection. Additionally, because alcohol damages the liver, alcoholics are more likely to have higher levels of estrogen in their body, which can severely suppress sperm. Moreover, alcohol abuse has been linked with damaged sperm and reduced sperm counts.

Even if you are not a heavy drinker, you may want to cut back on your drinking habits. Studies have shown that women who drink moderate amounts of alcohol (one to five drinks per week) can have impaired fertility. While the effects of moderate drinking have not been properly studied in men, it is likely that regular alcohol consumption could impair male fertility as well.
NarcoticsRecreational drug use has also been associated with male infertility. Narcotics like heroin, amphetamines, cocaine and PCP have been linked with a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction and ejaculatory problems. Heroin, as well as other drugs, has been shown to disrupt normal hormone production causing diminished LH and testosterone levels. However, both of these hormones are need in order for the male reproductive system to function properly and for healthy sperm development.

Cocaine in particular has been shown to significantly impact a man's fertility and even contribute to birth defects in a child. Men who use cocaine have been found to have lower sperm counts, reduced sperm motility, as well as an increase the amount of abnormal sperm. Cocaine use just prior to conceiving has also been associated with birth defects in children.

Athletes who use anabolic steroids to help increase their muscle mass are also advised to skip the drugs if they are hoping to have a child. These steroids have been shown to interfere with proper sperm production and to lower a man’s sperm count.

MarijuanaFrequent marijuana use has been linked with a reduction in sperm count and seminal fluid. As well, the sperm behavior of men who regularly smoke marijuana has been found to be "abnormal", meaning that the sperm has problems swimming as well as penetrating the egg. Lower testosterone levels are also common in men who habitually smoke marijuana. As a normal testosterone level is vital to the production of sperm, regular use of marijuan causes this process to become hindered.

If you engage in any of these behaviors, it is recommended that you cut out these vices when you are trying to conceive. However, do not expect to get your partner pregnant as soon as you stop drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana. Because it takes three months for your body to produce sperm, the effects and damage you may have done to your reproductive system can persist long after you have stopped using drugs or alcohol.

Skin Care - Face Masks ; How and Why ?
Our skin is a complex structure covering our whole body. It has an outer layer- the Epidermis and the inner layer-the Dermis. The epidermis is made of several layers of living cells covered with a layer of dead cells. These dead cells get shed and replaced continuously by new cells from lower layers. The dermis supports the epidermis and is formed of tough but flexible, connective tissue- the collagen and the elastin. The collagen and the elastin are protein fibers that give the skin elasticity and resilience. When these fibers degenerate, the skin begins to develop wrinkles, fine lines and various other imperfections. The dermis also contains the sweat and sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum, an oily, acidic film which lubricates the skin. This film form a protective cover on the skin surface. When the pH level of the skin changes, problems occur.

Skin may be categorized on the following three primary types:
Normal skin is balanced skin. It is soft, with a smooth texture with a healthy glow. This is ideal skin.
Dry skin lacks oil and moisture. It is fragile and flakes easily with changes in external temperature and humidity. This kind of skin is prone to developing early wrinkles and fine lines. In this skin type, the sebaceous glands are less active than normal and the balance is disturbed.
Oily skin has a oily/greasy/slimy shine and feel. The skin texture is coarse and the sebaceous glands are hyperactive creating more oil than necessary, destroying the pH balance of the skin. This skin type will normally suffer from blackheads, pimples, acne and clogged pores.
The Combination Skin as the name suggests will have skin areas which will be oily and some skin areas which will be dry. Parts of skin covering the forehead, nose, chin will be greasy and the rest of the skin will be dry. Cheeks and the areas around the eyes will be dry. This combination skin is the most popular skin type. This skin type will have problems associated with both dry and oily skin types. There will be acne/blackheads and or clogged pores in the oily part, while the dry part of the skin may be flaky and fragile.

Face Masks are an ideal way to remove dead cells on the surface of the epidermis and let the younger cells how. A good face mask should rejuvenate the skin by restoring the pH values, removing excessive oil content, waste and providing a balancing effect to dry skin. Masks should also stimulate blood circulation in the facial area giving the facial skin a healthy glow and a younger looking skin. As the face masks remove dead skin, clean pores, they help in removal of blackheads, reduce acne formation, revitalize the skin and balance the pH value of the film covering the skin. Regular usage of these masks will normally help maintain vigor, reduce wrinkle formation and leave younger looking skin.

The Face Mask you choose will depend upon your Skin Type.
Cleansing mask are suited to oily skin type. They draw out excess oil in the skin and remove waste. These cleansing masks open up the blocked pores and remove dead skin. They also help in reducing blackhead formation and improve texture of skin.
Moisturizing Masks will benefit dry skin types. Dry skin types lack enough oil and these face masks will hydrate the skin and prevent wrinkle formation. Normally such masks would be reinforced with honey, wheat germ, balsam and other plant extracts which provide much needed nourishment top the skin.
Stimulating Masks are normally peel off masks. They help in improving blood circulation to the skin surface, and revitalize the skin. These kind of masks are suitable for all skin types as they deep cleanse the skin, tighten pores, help in treating scars , hyper pigmentation and help prevent sun damage.

Check out these handy Home Made Natural Face Masks:
Home made face mask for dry skin can be created by mixing 10 ml honey with the yolk of an egg and 5 grams of dried milk powder. The yolk of an egg will provide nourishment for the skin while the honey will help restore the pH balance. Mix the ingredients in a bowl and apply to the face using a flat wide brush. Avoid the eye and lip areas. Clean off with water after 15-20 minutes to find more supple skin which will be hydrated and look much younger.
Oily skins can be treated by mixing 10 ml honey with one egg white and 5 ml of lemon juice and 5 grams brewer's yeast powder.. Mix the ingredients in a bowl and apply to the face as directed above. The honey will help in restoring the pH balance, the lemon juice will dry up the skin and tighten it and the egg white will help in soaking up the excess oil and provide deep cleansing action. Remove after 15-20 minutes with water.

Many people suffer from black heads because of oily skin and blocked pores. Given below are some Black Head control and removal tips.
Use the home face mask or any commercial face mask for oily skin, once every week to help remove excess oil from the skin.
Use a good quality astringent after cleaning your face. You may alternatively dab your face with rose water which will be a natural substitute.
Avoid soaps on your face, that may irritate the skin or any oily creams.
Use a gentle scrub to remove dead skins from your face daily.
Always avoid harsh squeezing or scraping of the back heads.
A warm compress of water applied to the area of the black head followed by a very gentle pressure will help clear the clog from the pore.
Commercial 'black head' strips available in the market can also help remove black heads. One has to use caution before using these strips to avoid damage to the skin.

It is best to find a long term solution to the black head problem by keeping the oily skin properly balanced, using face masks and gentle scrubs regularly. As the say, prevention is better than cure. In this case, prevention will lead to better facial skin, which will glow and look much younger.