This is an unique therapy in the science of ayurveda. It keeps the body young and agile. Rasayana or rejuvenation therapy helps to promote and preserve health and longevity in the healthy, and to cure disease in the sick. The therapy enhances one's energy and is even known to have cured the sick. It also increases a healthy person's mental and physical capabilities. It is known to have improved skin complexion and texture, modulates the voice and increases sensing capacity of sense organs. Rasayanas or vitalizers, as they are called, do exactly the same. They replenish the vital fluids of our body, thus keeping us away from diseases. Rasayana is actually that which increases the essence of each dhatu, starting with rasa. Taking rasayana is helpful to increase the immunity of the person to keep him away from diseases. The person becomes healthy and strong.
Some of the benefits of rejuvenation therapy are as follows:
Long life.
Increase in memory power.
Good health.
Young looks.
Glowing skin.
Modulated voice.
Resistance to diseases
Optimum strength of the body
Functions Rasayanas deal with the methods to maintain youth, increase longevity, intellectual capacity and strength and keep the patients free from diseases. Effects of Rejuvenation When rejuvenation therapy is complete, the indulgence in activities as ordained by the scriptures, understanding the mind of the persons nearby and mind unwavering by the (effect of) objects (of sense organs), becomes possible.