

What Are Tonsils?

The tonsils are situated at the back of your throat - one on the right and one on the left. These two balls of tissue are part of your body's infection fighting system - to help you prevent from getting sick. Usually, tonsils do their job well. But sometimes bacteria or viruses get into the tonsils. As a result, tonsils become so overwhelmed by bacterial or viral infection that they swell and become inflamed, causing tonsillitis.3

Who gets Tonsillitis?

Person of any sex and age may fall a victim to bacteria infection leading to tonsillitis. But, tonsillitis is most common in children, however, the condition rarely occurs in children younger than two years. A peritonsillar abscess is usually found in young adults but can occur occasionally in children. The patient's history often helps identify the type of tonsillitis (i.e., acute, recurrent, chronic) that is present.

What is Tonsillitis ?

Tonsillitis is nothing but the inflammation of the tonsils. This may due to a bacteria infection, or germ, which in some instances responds to treatment with antibiotics. Signs of strep throat and tonsillitis are often alike. When tonsils have been surgically removed the operated person (especially a child) is more susceptible to infections.

What are the Symptoms of Tonsillitis ?

Tonsillitis is mainly characterized by swelling within the tonsils, which become red and inflamed and may even show a surface coating of white spots.

Some of the main signs and symptoms of tonsillitis are:

  • Pain while swallowing.
  • Sensation of chill and presence of fever.
  • Tonsils are engorged, enlarged and inflamed like Small balls.
  • Enlarged, tender glands (lymph nodes) in the jaw and neck.
  • In Acute state, they also discharge purulent fluid.
  • Tone and rhythm of respiration is affected.
  • Headache.
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose.
  • Severe sore throat.

How is the Infection Spread ?

Whatever the cause may be - whether it is a bacteria or a virus, tonsillitis is generally spread very easily from one person to other through airborne droplets, hand contact or kissing.

What are the Causes of the Tonsillitis ?

The most common cause of tonsillities is bacterial or viral infection. The herpes simplex virus like: Streptococcus pyogenes (GABHS) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, and the measles virus cause most cases of acute pharyngitis and acute tonsillitis. Bacteria cause 15-30 percent of pharyngotonsillitis cases and GABHS are responsible for most of the bacterial tonsillitis.

Some other causes of Tonsillitis are given below:

  • Repeated throat infections.
  • Excessive use of spices, condiments, acrid, pungent and astringent food items.
  • Constant dry, hawking, dog-like cough.
  • Forcible and constant use of voice - often at a high pitch.
  • Chronic Congestion, blockade of nose, when nose is blocked by viscid and tenacious mucus.
  • Excessive eating of toffees, sweets, tamarind, tartaric acid, chewing gum etc.

Ayurvedic Medicines for the Treatment of Tonsillitis

Ayurvedic Medicine I



Use linctuses made out of all the above ingridients. You may take this 3 or 4 times in a day.

Ayurvedic Medicine II

Flowers of Banaphsha

Boil flowers of Banaphsha and mix them in about 50 ml of water and when contents are reduced to one-third - mix it with 200 ml of milk and drink hot.

Ayurvedic Medicines III

Chamolin Tea.


A chamomile tea may be given to the patient with lemon and honey added. This will help him give relief.

Ayurvedic Medicine IV



Gargle with purified alum, it will give you relief. You may even apply dry powder of alum over the swollen tonsils.

Herbal and Home Remedies for Tonsillitis

Fenugreek Seeds - Gargle made from fenugreek seeds is very effective for tonsillitis.

Vegetable Juices - Raw vegetable juices of carrot, beet, and cucumber in the ratio of 3:1:1 combination are also very beneficial for the treatment of tonsillitis.

Stay Hydrated - Drink lots and lots of liquids. Especially, frozen liquids help numb the throat. You may also try hot teas with honey, and clear soups. For some people, warm beverages help relieve the pain of tonsillitis better than cold ones do.

Salt Water - You may gargle with luke warm salt water many times in a day. ( one forth teaspoon of salt would be enough in half a cup of water) several times a day.

Lemon, Blackpepper and Salt - Take a lemon and cut it into two pieces. On one piece, put some salt and black pepper. Now press it with a knife s o that salt-pepper penetrate into the lime. Put the lemon on heat to make it warm. Slowly lick this lemon squeezing it until no juice remains. You may do this daily two or three times.

Hygiene - If you are suffering from a disease like tonsillitis, you should keep good hygiene.
Avoid Acidic Drinks, Spicy Food and Soar Substances - Don't drink acid drinks and try to avoid spicy food as it may irritate your throat. Sour substances like curds, buttermilk, and fried foods should also be avoided.

Rest - Give plenty of rest to your throat and try not to talk.

See a Doctor, if condition is serious - If you are have difficulty in swallowing, breathing or talking, or have any other concerns you should see a doctor immediately, or the condition may turn more serious.