The various causes of premature ageing are being discussed as here under.
1. Not following of the advised regimens by ayurveda
This means those who have not followed the Dincharya(daily regimens) and Ritucharya (seasonal regimens)properly. And not did body cleaning at proper time and proper way. Dincharya is described in such a way that the adverse changes in the energy and tissue level. may be maid reversible or minimized as per circadian rhythm. The same is about the Ritucharya. If one is not following Dincharya and Ritucharya properly he may get disturbance in his homeostasis. If this process continues for some time, then the person may get ageing earlier then prescribed time. Some of the factors are as follows:
ABHAYANGA(oil massage)
The regular practice of oil massage alleviates ageing .oil applied to the skin may protect it from the effect of senescence. Such references are available in texts. This suggests the importance of daily oil massage in presentation of ageing.
The use of nasal drops daily prevents the ageing changes. Daily use of nasal drops stops grey hairs and hair falling which are the signs of ageing
The causes mentioned for the conditions are consuming of sour, salt, pungent, and alkaline articles. dried vegetables, flesh, sesame , sesame -paste, eating of grains and pulses that either have began to sprout or are very new, or of other foods that are either disagreeable, non homogenous, dry, alkaline and deliquescent, heavy, putrid or steal foods, or meals at irregular times or in irregular quantities or too frequently. Addict of day sleeping, sex pleasures and consumption of wine consumption have been strained by faulty and inordinate indulgence in exercise and victims of fear, anger, grief, greed, infatuation and over work.
Diet articles and habit:
As mentioned earlier, urban dietetics has been considered as the cause of all the ills of the body by Charaka. This dietary habit includes the excessive taking of sour, salt, pungent and alkaline articles, dried vegetables, flesh, Tila, Tila-paste and pastries; eating of grains and pulses that have either began to sprout or are very new or of other foods that are either disagreeable, non-homologous or dry, alkaline and deliquescent and partaking of softened, heavy, putrid or stale foods. In addition, the dietary habit of taking meals at irregular time or in irregular quantities or too frequently i.e. over a stomach that has not yet recovered from the last meals are also harmful to the body
Salt and Ageing
Charaka mentions that if a pregnant lady eats excessive salt, then her child will suffer from wrinkles, grey hair and baldness which are also the external sign of aging
Excessive use of salt, by a person also leads to wrinkling, hair fall and graying . Similarly the excessive use of alkaline also leads to graying and hair fall
As wrinkles, grey hair and baldness are the important signs of old age, so, possibly there may be any relation of excessive tacking of salt and alkaline substances with ageing. Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of incised salt is harmful for eyes.
Habits and ageing:
There are few habits relating to town dwellings, which have also been held responsible for ill-health and ageing. These habits are addiction to delay sleep, excessive sex pleasure and wine bibbing giving strain to the body by faulty or inordinate indulgence in exercise and over work
Mental factors and ageing:
Factors like fear, anger, grief, greed and infatuation have also been considered responsible of ill-health including ageing
Ill-health and ageing:
Charaka clearly mentions that if one follows the rules of Svasthavritta (daily and seasonal routine for health) then Tissues remain in healthy conditions, thus there will be no disease. In this way the tissues will grew or regenerate in proper manner which result in delaying the ageing
From the above observation it may be said that the remaining of bodily tissues in the healthy condition delay the ageing. On the other hand if the bodily tissues frequently suffer from ill-health or remain in unhealthy state, then aging may come earlier.
Environment and Allied Factors:
Charaka is of the view that life span of an individual is determined by the two factors viz. Daiva (action of the previous life) and Purushakrita (action of the present life). A weak Daiva get subdued by a strong Purshakara. Similarly a strong Daiva subdued Purushakara and because of this it is said that the span of life is invariably predetermined. Effect of strong action of the previous life is invariably manifested, but the time of this manifestation is conditioned by the availability of a congenial atmosphere
Time of manifestation of the effect of divine action is, however, conditioned by the availability of congenial atmosphere. For instance people who go in for a battle are more likely to be killed with deadly weapons in comparison to others. Similarly an earthen jar of water is exposed to damaging forces and is likely to get destroyed sooner than an ornamental vessel which is not exposed to such damaging forces. In this way the span of life depends by and large to favor and unfavorable conditions
On this basis, it may be stated that favorable and unfavorable circumstances also plays very important role in aging processes. If one is living under unfavorable environment, he is likely to develop ageing earlier.
Charaka has given also some other factors which are considered as promotive of growth. These include opportunity, favorable disposition of the nature, excellence of properties of food and absence of inhibiting factors. According to Chakrapani youth is the proper time of opportunity for the growth of an individual. During young age it is the specificity of time which is responsible for the growth of individual. Favorable disposition of the nature or results of the unseen (past) actions are also responsible for the growth of individual’s body. Similarly excellence of properties of food and absence of inhibiting factors e.g., absence of excessive indulgence in sex and mental affliction are also responsible for the growth
The factors like birth in a country where people are naturally strong, birth at a time when people gain strength, favorable disposition of time, excellence of the qualities of the seed (sperm) and ovum and uterus of the parents etc. are also considered as promotive of health
Indirectly it may be said that the absence of the above factors or unfavorable environment may retard the growth and decrease the strength. So the factors opposite to the above mentioned circumstances and environment may be taken as causes responsible for the aging or old age where the growth is retarded and strength of the body becomes less.
As discussed above the unnatural aging is that which occur before its prescribed time, so the signs and symptoms of unnatural aging are same as that of Jara.
Charaka says that in the old age there is diminution in the Dhatus and the functions of the sense organs occur. Reduction in the strength, energy, manliness, velour, power of understanding, retention, memorizing and analyzing the facts occurs. During the old age the diminution of the tissues (Dhatus) occurs with dominance of Vata.
According to Sushruta, during the old age there is diminution in the tissues and the functions of the Indriyas occur. There is marked reduction in the strength, energy, manliness and enthusiasm. The aged person develops Vali, Palita and Khalitya. They suffer from cough and asphyxia. Aged is unable to perform his regular works. The old man is said like an old and weared house which may collapse during any rainy season that means he is unable to bear physical or mental stress.
Vagbhata again mentions the gradual decline in the tissues and the functions of the sense and motor organs. Aged suffers from cough, dyspnoea, hairfall, graying,. Reduced appetite is added as a symptom of ageing which means the diminished function of the digestion and metabolism. There is looseness of muscle and joints, the skin becomes rough and worse, the body bents forward and the patient develops tremors.
Some other symptoms are mentioned by Charaka, in the chapter of Rasayana. These symptoms were so evident that the sagas have to take medicine from lord Indra. These symptoms include loosening of the muscles, looseness of joints, malfunction of the blood, liquefaction of the adipose tissue, improper function of morrow, diminished semen, exhaustion, languid, excessive sleep, torpor, sluggishness(absence of enthusiasm), incapable of doing physical as well as labour work, loss of memory, intelligence and body luster. The man suffers from diseases frequently.