Ayurveda Diagnosis:   Prameha

Definition of Diabetes according to modern science is a chronic disease in which there are high levels of sugar in the blood. According to Ayurveda 20 types of Prameha mentioned in which only one type in incurable. So the correct diagnosis and treatment of Prameha is very important

Clinical Notes include High blood sugar levels
This may cause
1.      Blurry vision
2.      Excess thirst
3.      Fatigue
4.      Frequent urination
5.      Hunger
6.      Weight loss

Investigation: Fasting blood sugar, post prandial blood sugar

Internal Medicines recommended:
1.      Nishakatakadi kasayam 15ml added with 45 ml lukewarm water and   Chandraprabha tab (1)  all together to be taken in morning empty stomach & in evening 6PM
2.      Navayasam tab 1 powdered with hot water and to be taken before lunch and dinner
3.      Dhatri nishadi churnam 1 tsp  taken at night bed time followed by a cup of water
4.      Madhuyashtyadi tailam  to be applied on the head
5.      Prabhanjanam tailam +kottamchukkadi tailam + pinda tailam   to be applied on the body  

Treatments recommended:
1.      Takradhara : 
2.      Matravasti:pippalyadi anuvasana tailam
3.      Dhanyamladhara  :
4.      Tailadhara :
5.      Podikizhi :kolakulathadi churnam
6.      Snehavasti: Pippalyadi Anuvasana tailam
7.      Kashayavasti: kseera vasti , Madhutailikam vasti,rajayapanam vasti
8.      Udwarthanam :grihadhumadi udwarthana  churnam+ dhanyamlam+takram

Yogic exercises recommended
1.      Sahaja vastikriya
2.      Agnisara dhauti
3.      Sahaja pranayama
4.      Varisara dhauti
5.      Jaanusheershaasanam
6.      Yogamudra
7.      Sarvangasanam
8.      Matsyasanam

Single drug treatment: contact email

Food recommended:
1.      The patient needs to take a strict diabetic meal daily
2.      Avoid sweets and beverages
3.      Avoid curd and oil
4.      Avoid fast food
5.      Take Indian amla/ gooseberry
6.      Take plenty of hot water  

Usually diabetes is manageable with Ayurvedic medicines which do not have any side effects. Since the treatment for diabetes is patients constitution patients are requested to take Ayurveda medicines only after consultation