Oligospermia or synonymously oilgozoospermia higlhy resembels khina shurka vyadhi. However Kshina – Shukra is a condition in whih shukra dhatu is quantitatively and quatitatively reduecd. Etimologial origin of the world OILGOZOOSPERMIA is as

Oilgo ( few)  + zoo ( live) + Sperm + ia ( Condition)
So, this is a condition in which sperm count is reducced. WHO (1992) describes the conditoin as the one in which total sperm count will be less than 20 million / ml.

The major etiologial factors causing oilgospermia has been described here as under.

Cryptorcchidism or undesended testis incidences about 0.2 % of male population. It causes permanent irreparable of testies (Berodafa 1974). They are also hormonally defective ( Gendod et at 1978). Unilateral Cryptorchidism even when corrected prior to puberty is assocaited with abnormal semen in many males ( Harrison 1994)

Scrotal temperature should be less than 2o F from the core body temperature Raised scrotal temperature may depress the seprmatogenesis because it is sensitive process. Which alters with alternations in temperature. The temperature of scrotum will be raised in conditions like Verticocele, Hydrocele and Filariasis. Vericocele causes disruption in later stages of sperm maturation (Alvin & Paulser 1976). Moreover working near hot zone and wearing of tight undergarment more than 15 hours / day may also depress the spermatogenesis.

Infections like Syphilis, non-specific urethritis, Mumps Orchitis after pubertal period may permanently arrest spermatogensis. Mumps architis arrests the maturation process and also arrest the androgenic function of leydig cells (Adamopoulous et at 1978) systemic infectoin like bacterial or viral affect the spercount. Chlamydia trachomatis or T. Mycoplasma infection lead to defective spermatogenesis.

Klinefelter’s syndrome and xx Male syndrome are two genetic defect which lead to defective spermatogenesis. (Palsen 1974) somally abnormed spermatozoan, such conceptions end in spontaneous abortions or assocaited with chromosomal abnormalities.

Hyperprolectinaemia can lead to hypogonadisim and has been associated with impotence (franks et at 1977), effect on testosternone and dihydrotestosterone levels ( Margini et al 1978) and a reduction in sperm count and volume of semen. (falaschi et at 1978). Hypopituitarism, Hypothyriodism, Adrenal hyperplasia can also cause the disease – Oliogospermia.

Too frequent intercourses decrease the spermatogenesis and sperm cell activity (Paul 1950)

Evnironmental hazards like chemicals such as nematocide, dichloropropane, lead, microwaves and ultrasound are responsible for the disease, oilgospermia. Prolonged physical exertion and steep deprivations lowers the semen testoternone level in man. ( opstand and Avkrary 1982)

AIDS lowers the degree of spermatogenesis ( De Poepe & Waxman 1989). Renal failure and ( irrhosis of liver cause low leels of testoterone ( chen,. Et al 1970, Bannister et al Lumen feld, 1993). Some inverstigations reveled that Diabetes Malitus, low sperm count and low volumes of ejaculates were also found in some men. (Klebanow 1960, Rubin 1962, Schoffling 1971, Bartale 1975). Protein deficienty and malnutrition can cause the reduced response of male accessory glands to testoerone stimulation (Bielaneki et al 1969, Lazerka et al 1965, Mann 1974). Vita A deficiecy also cuases reductoin in seprmatogenesis ( Moustguard 1969)
Some times after acute febrile illness, temporary decrease in sperm density occurs.

Alcholol is the most important leydig cell toxin. (Lipsett 1980, Van Thiel et at 1983.) As may as 80% of these men are sterile seminiferous tubles atrophy, loss of sperm ornormal sperms. ( Morrie 1944, Bennett et at 1950). Excessive intake of alcohol may decrease the semen quantity ( Henny – 1995) Tobacco addicts like smokers, chewers and multiple addict will have below normal sperm count. (Benarjee 1993)

Surgical operations, which have been done improperly like urethral stricture or diverticullum, Prostactomy may cause defective spermatogenesis. ( Inter and Lunen field 1993)

Antibiotics like Ampiciline, Erythromycine and cephalexin causes oilgospermia ( Malmbong et at. 1974, m symes et a. 1974). Spirnonolactone induces oilgospermia ( caminos Torres et at 1977, sperm count ( Levi et at 1979). Cyproteroneacetate reduced the sperm count and motility (Koch et al 1976 Moltz et al 1978). Antipsycotic drugs reduces sperm count (Blair and simpson 1966) cimetidine reduces sperm count (Van Thiel et al 1979)

Testicular failure occurs in autoimmu nity (hendry et al 1979) Mancini 1974) in which endocrine deficiencies co – exists.

Increased stress conditions also produces low quality of semen (Inster and Lumen feld 1973)