Treatment principle of epilepsy includes all
the three major types viz., Devotional, Medications and Psychosomatic
In order to bring about cleaning of body channels and mind which have become occluded, cleanig ought be
carried out . The term Prabodhana has been clarified by
Cakrapani that it refers to restoration of activities of the above mentioned
systems to their normal status which is devoid of any derangement.
The type of purification advised is based
on the specific energy classification i.e., enema in Vataja epilepsy, purgation in Pittaja epilepsy and emesis in Kaphaja epilepsy
Conventional treatments :
Various classical formulations have been advocated in
epilepsy treatment some of which are specified for each Dosa.
Rasayana :
In case of epilepsy which does not
respond to conventional treatment regimen and in chronic conditions, Rasayana
is advocated
Unmada Cikitsa :
This has been advocated by Caraka
specifically in cases which seem to be Agantuja in origin
Graha Cikitsa :
In addition to the above regimens, the
Yogas mentioned in Graha Cikitsa are advocated by Susruta
Sira Vyadhana and Mangalya Dharana:
according to Susruta the venesection has to be carried out on the Sira
present in the middle of mandible joint.
Do's and Donts :
Pathya :
Aharas like Sali, Godhuma, Mudga, Ksira, Kusmanda, leafy vegetables, Patola,
Brahmi, Dadima, Draksa, Parusaka etc.
do's :
individual who recovers from the epileptic seizure should not be reminded of the
event. In order to liven up his affected mind, he should be encouraged to
indulge in pleasant activities.
donts :
dirty, contaminated food, alcohol, fish, meat, certain actions, pouring
hot water on the head and the like.