Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical sciences. The knowledge of ayurveda cannot limit in certain pages. Each system of medical science in the world has described the nature of disease and health according to its own concept. The philosophy and hypothesis of each science differ from those of others and hence, each science described the fundamental elements of the universe, in its own way. But the basic aim of the concept and fundamental principals of all the sciences is to establish happiness in the human body.
It is well known fact amongst the ayurveda was brought to the earth with a noble motto to make the suffering people free from their disease and to that they might continue their light in a healthy manner. In sort Ayurveda described all the aspect of human life.
cancer is one of the surgical diseases and was explained in detailed by Sushruta the pioneer of in ancient ayurvedic texts that have remarkable similarities with modern interpretation of cancer. While searching the literature one finds that Arubada (cancer) is the nearest clinical correlated with the externally visible cancerous growth.
Acharya Sushurta has described very clear and detailed defination. That is “The Doshas having vitiated in any part of the body and afflicting the tissue and produce a swelling, which is circular, fixed, slightly painful, big in size, broad based, slowly growing and does not suppurate.”
In various Ayurvedic classics the line of treatment of Arubada is available but in scattered form, which should be divided in to this manner;
In this one can include the rules of Swasthvritta, food, regimen in diffrernt Ayurvedic Text, which are specially required to prevent Cancer.
Various groups of Drugs mentioned for increasing immunity or Oja etc.Use of various drugs which known as anti inflammatory properties can also recommended.
In this part known as well as tried medicines which have shown encouraging results for Cancer is concerned.
One can include the Ayurvedic Treatment that can be used along with the modern treatment to combat their side effects and improve the quality of life.
There are three concepts of modalities of treatment in Ayurveda that is Medical, Surgical and Para-Surgical.Which may be divided into following groups;
The aim of this treatment is to break the Dosha vitiation by various plant or mineral products that should improves the immune mechanism.
The over accumulate Doshas are expelled and Srotodusti removed by various procedure like Vamana, Virechan etc.
The imbalanced Dosha are brought to normal state by various therapies like Amapachana, Deepana karma, Diet therapy etc.
All the Acharyas have suggested and given priority to surgery as a treatment for the disease Arubada.
cutting grinding and removing from root etc. are described in many texts.
Kshara karma, Agni karma, Raktamokshana etc are described. Further Aacharya have mentioned that Arubada should be treated on the lines of: Vidradhivat, Shophavat, Granthivata etc.