Modern Management of Asthma

            The principles of management of asthma are based closely on the guidelines for the management of asthma produced by the British Thoracic Society and also the International Consensus Report on the diagnosis and management of asthma.
Avoidance :
            There are a few instances in which a single agent can be identified as the cause of attacks of asthma. These include allergens such as grass pollens, house dust mites, animal dander, drugs, industrial chemicals such as isocyanates and certain articles of diet. The vast majority of asthmatic patients are hypersensitivity to a wide range of allergens and attempts to avoid them all are impracticable.
            Avoidance of day to day triggers such as exercise and cold air generally imposes inappropriate restrictions on lifestyle, and it may b preferable to adjust treatment to cover exposure to these. Smoking should be discouraged.

Management of chronic persistent asthma
 Occasional short acting B2 adrenoreceptor agonists
 Regular inhaled corticosteroids
 High dose inhaled corticosteroids
 plus regular bronchoplilars
 plus regular oral corticosteroids