cervical spondylosis

Diagnosis:  Apabahukam

Clinical Notes:  Neck Pain with radiation to right shoulder and hand

History:   The joint pains started since 3 years but it was reduced with previous ayurveda treatments. Now the neck pain started since 1 year and it gradually radiates to right shoulder and upper arm. Her menstruation is regular after ayurveda treatments. She is allergic to dust 

Investigation: FBS-75mg%, T3-1.48, T4-10.03, TSH-3.57

Medicines at the time starting treatments:
1.      Adarikadi kasayam 15ml added with 45 ml lukewarm water and Balatailam 8 drops all together to be taken in morning empty stomach &in evening 6PM
2.      Navagugglu tab 1 added with hot water at noon and night before food
3.      Dasammolahareethaki leham 1 tsp+ Manasamitram tab 1 followed by a cup of boiled water taken at night bed time
4.      Valiyachandanadi oil to be applied on the head  
5.      Ketakeemooladi kuzhambu+ Prabhanjanam Kuzhambu+ Narayana tailam to be applied on the body   

1.      Takradhara: 
2.      Podikizhi: Satahwadi Churnam
3.      Kativasti: Dhanwantaram Tailam
4.      Snehavasti: Pippalyadi Anuvasana Tailam
5.      Udwarthanam :Grihadhumadi Udwarthana  Churnam+ Dhanyamlam
6.      Bashpaswedam: Dasamoolam Kasayam
7.      Kashayavasti:Madhutailikam Vasti,Erandamooladi Vasti,Ardhmatrikam Vasti

Change of medicines:  
1.      Sooth rub
2.      Karpooradi tailam

Condition at the time of discharge: Neck Pain with radiation to right shoulder and hand relieved   

Follow up medicines:
1.      Varanadi kasayam 15ml added with 45 ml lukewarm water and Gorochanadi tab 1 all together to be taken in morning empty stomach& in evening 6PM
2.      Shaddharanam tab 1 added with hot water at noon and night before food
3.      Dasamoolahareethaki leham 1 tsp+Manasamitram tab 1 followed by a cup of boiled water at night bed time
4.      Valiyachandanadi tailam to be applied on the head and do gentle massage before bath
5.      Ketakimooladi kuzhambu+ Prabhanjanam kuzhambu to be applied on the body and do gentle massage before bath
 (For 2 weeks)