Some people refer to phenols, flavonoids, phyto-estrogens and phytate in vegetables and grains as antioxidants too. And again, people think that these semi-antioxidants are 'good', and radicals aren't. But again, these people are wrong;

These semi-antioxidants are not selective ; they are not 'smart bombs' knowing exactly what substances to kill. It is true that some of these substances can easily bind to radicals, to mutagenic substances, or to enzymes activating mutagenic substances. But substances that are most toxic, like cyanide, also most effectively bind to such pro-cancerous substances. And of course, that does not make them 'good'. It only makes them dangerous to mutagenic substances as well as to nutrients and healthy cells. Just like chemotherapy is effective because these drugs are toxic, enabling them to kill both cancer- and non-cancer cells. But should we therefore preventively use chemotherapy or antioxidants ?

Phyto-estrogens are 'weak' estrogens, and can replace common (powerful) estrogens. (23) And because excessive estrogen can cause breast cancer, these phyto-estrogens are regarded as 'good' substances. Soya contains most phyto-estrogen.

Absorbing phyto-estrogens and lignin’s stimulates SHBG production (Sex-Hormone Binding Globulin), intercepting common estrogens and phyto-estrogens. Decreasing too-high estrogen levels decreases prostate cancer- and breast cancer-risk. (23) In vegetarians SHBG level is increased. (24) Soya can contain very high levels of phyto-estrogens (like genisteine and daidzeine, also present in beer) (25). Genistein and daidzeine also inhibit enzymes activating mutagenic substances.   (These enzymes however, are naturally designed to protect the body against natural mutagenics, absorbed through inhaling smoke from forest fires for example. Inhibiting those enzymes eliminates that protection.)

However, consuming high amounts of soy increases the level of some hormones (DHEA-sulphate) Consuming soymilk for 3 months can already decrease estradiol level 27%, and lengthen menstruation cycle by 2 days. Messing with your hormones is of course not a good thing. Estrogen for example is not a 'bad' substance, but essential. Therefore phyto-estrogens can cause infertility  and liver-diseases.
The main phyto-estrogen, genisteine, is even mutagenic !!!   Like coumestrol (also a phyto-estrogen), genisteine can damage DNA of common cells in our body   , which can cause cancer. Like daidzeine (also a soy-phyto-estrogen), genisteine damages sperm cells.   And different phyto-estrogens, like genisteine, enhance prolactin-producing brain-tumors

Phyto-estrogens have to be regarded as drugs or chemotherapy ; both dangerous and useful. And being a healthy person, you don't take chemotherapy to prevent cancer, do you ?
For more scientific info about the down-sides of soy, click here.

To prevent cancer caused by estrogens, you should not use hormonal contraceptives  , nor consume dairy products.  Consuming alcohol also increases estradiol level. (beer makes men grow 'breasts')

Genisteine inhibits tyrosine kinase and topoisomerase 2. These enzymes are essential to build up DNA, for constructing new cells. Without these enzymes you can't compose new cells, but tumors also can't multiply.
Herbs containing phyto-estrogens have been used as medicines for ages ; phyto-estrogens from oregano, verbena, thyme, red clover and diamana can bind to progesterone-receptors, lowering progesterone level. Phyto-estrogens from liquorices, red clover, thyme, hop and verbena can bind to estrogen receptors.

Also, Soya bean is unnatural food for humans ; it contains different substances inhibiting digestion and absorption of nutrients. Consuming lots of soy enhances vitamin A, -B12, -D and -E deficiencies.  These inhibiting substances are partly destroyed due to the preparation process, but the preparation process unfortunately also originates new mutagenic substances in soy.

Soya beans are high in insoluble fiber, enhancing bacterial decomposition of nutrients in the intestinal tract, originating gasses. Soya flour contains high amounts of polyurones, which can only partly be decomposed in the colon. Soy also contains phytate, which is only partly destroyed by heat, inhibiting absorption of minerals and probably vitamin B1. Soy also contains arabinoxylanes and tannins inhibiting digestion.

Phenols, from vegetables for example, are regarded as semi-antioxidants, preventing cancer. Polyphenols can bind to mutagenic substances  , because they're so aggressive. That's why concentrated phenols are used to clean up bacteria and moulds.

Flavonoids for example, are polyphenols ; some flavonoids (like flavone, chrysine and apigenin) are anaesthetic.   Many flavonoïds become mutagenic by preparation.   Quercetine is the main flavonoid, and is also mutagenic.  Because quercetine (and caffeic acid in Lamb's lettuce) is that aggressive, it can inhibit enzymes activating other mutagenic substances, and is therefore regarded as an antioxidant. Those enzymes originally are designed to eliminate natural mutagenics. Some flavonoids inhibit those activating enzymes  other flavonoids act in an opposite manner.   Flavonoids / phyto-estrogens in soy, rye and linseed also easily bind to iodide, causing iodide deficiencies.

Fiber, phytate, oxalate ; Even fiber, phytate and oxalate sometimes are regarded as antioxidants, because they can bind to lots of different substances, but especially to calcium, iron and zinc. And again, that does not at all make them 'good'. Especially grains (bran in particular), peas and beans contain too much insoluble fiber (6 times more than average fruit), causing bacterial decomposition of foods in the digestive tract (gasses).
Beans and cereals contain too much phytate, which isn't decomposed completely by preparation.  Vegetables like mangold, rhubarb, spinach, purslane, beetroot and bamboo shoots contain too much oxalate.

Lignins are indigestible, and regarded as antioxidants because they bind to cholesterol and mutagenic nitrosocompounds   But cholesterol is a very valuable, essential nutrient.  Why not regard diarrhea as anti-oxidative ; diarrhea also prevents absorption of cholesterol !!!
Lignins also easily mineralize, causing the loss of minerals. Especially beans (and dried currants) contain about 4 to 140 times as much lignin as the average fruit has.

Isothiocyanates ; vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts contain isothiocyanates, which can both inhibit    or stimulate   enzymes activating mutagenic substances. Thiocyanates and nitrite (in vegetables) are also pro-oxidative.   Isothiocyanates can become mutagenic through reacting upon aromatic amines due to the influence of heat.

Other mutagenics / toxins ; Many unnatural foods contain mutagenic substances by nature, or contain substances that originate toxins when partly decomposed in the body of the consumer, to prevent being consumed by animals like humans ;

Consuming beans containing pyrimidins (isouramile, divicine) and peas containing nitriles and toxins can highly stimulate the release of oxygen radicals.
Millet contains dhiurrin, originating toxic cyanide. Potato, cassava and sweet potato also contain cyanogenic substances. Cooking only partly destroys these substances. Rhubarb can contain mutagenic emodine. Parsley, celery, dill and fennel contain furocoumarins, which can become tumor-stimulating. Cacao, nutmeg, laurel, anis, mace, black pepper and ginger contain tiny amounts of carcinogenic saffron.
These 'foods' actually are not foods, but medicines, and therefore should not be commonly consumed.
Furthermore, grains, meat, milk and cheese (through feeding contaminated grains to cows) can contain very cancerous aflatoxins. If nuts are shelled and stored 'en masse', they can contain aflatoxins too. Buy un-shelled nuts.
Grains also can contain cancerous polychloridebiphenyles, arsenium (cancerous to the skin), cadmium (decreases serotonine level) and lead (probably cancerous).