In India, there are various systems of massage in practice in addition to ayurvedic treatment. One of the most advanced and sophisticated systems is ayurvedic Kalari Massage and Marma Therapy. This system of massage is an inherent discipline within Kalaripayattu. Traditionally, the Kalari fighter is given massage and related treatments in keeping with various levels of his training and practice. This helps him to acquire flexibility, agility and alertness of mind, which enable him to learn various steps, movements and intricate techniques of Kalaripayattu practice.
The World of Kalari
It is a Hindu form of martial arts that dates back to the 12th Century, which probably makes it the oldest form of martial art. 'Kalari' has been derived from the Sanskrit word 'Kholoorika' meaning military training centre and 'Payattu' means the fight.
Kalari also refers to the specially constructed hall with ample space of fighting floor with idols of all the presiding deities of the art and photographs of the entire lineage of Gurus. The instruction and practical training in this art is imparted inside the Kalari.
Kalaripayattu as the Martial Art of Kerala
Kalaripayattu is taught by the Guru or master who is an exponent in the field. It is taught by the master to the students and is considered to be a sacred art form of Kerala. Kalaripayattu developed during the 9th century was practiced by the warrior clan of Kerala, the Nair community to defend the state and the king. The Nair community considered it an honour to die for the nation and the king.
This martial art is as much a spiritual discipline, as it is physical. It helps the students in character build up, self-confidence and adoptability to circumstances. Kalaripayattu helps systemize the flow of energy in the body.
The pupils are trained in self-discipline and physical culture. Before the pupils are initiated into the techniques of warfare, their bodies are toned pliable, agile and versatile by regular massage by feet and hands with medicated oil. Then taught to wield Kuruvadi (short sticks), spear, dagger, sword, shield, etc. The last and sophisticated piece in the weaponry is 'Urumi' a thin springy three-meter long double edged sword worn around the waist locked like a belt drawn unwound in a flick of a moment when required. It is highly lethal for an adept wielder can aim it to swirl around the neck of the opponent and, at the slightest jerk, the head will roll on the floor of the arena. Flying feats, daring onslaughts and dodging with dexterity are the ways in combat. Defensive and offensive strikes with lightning speed are its peculiarity. There are customarily eighteen 'Adavu' (tricks) in this warfare. Seventeen of them are fighting with all the weapons one by one and the eighteenth being 'Poozhikkadakan', a feat producing a cover of whirlwind of dust around the combatant by stamping the earth and swift circular movement to camouflage him from the opponent and to take him by surprise with sudden retaliatory deathblow.
The Kalari the training arena has to be built in specific dimensions. The structure of Kalari (cocoon-like) is greatly suited for training in the humid climate of Kerala. The ritualistic and spiritual atmosphere plays an important role in forming a strong character and moral attitude to the disciples. To acquire discipline and concentration, a series of symbolic rituals are practiced everyday. The training is mainly divided into three parts Maithari, Kolthari, Ankathari.
Kalari as a medicine - (Kalari Chikitsa)
Kalari Chikitsa is a system of medicine based on Ayurveda, specializing in treatment of orthopedic disorders and neuromuscular problems like back pain, spondylosis etc.
The practitioner or the Gurukkal does the treatments like bone setting and massages using specially formulated oils and herbs, after undertaking specialized studies in the science of Marmas (vital spots). The knowledge about these Marmas plays a major role in the effective practice of Kalari Chikitsa. The underlying principle of Kalari Chikitsa is that an abnormality to any system of the human body such as nervous system, musculo-skeletal system can happen only if anyone or more of the 107 vital spots are bruised. The treatment is all about detecting the vital spots affected and curing them to normalcy.
The practitioner or the Gurukkal does the treatments like bone setting and massages using specially formulated oils and herbs, after undertaking specialized studies in the science of Marmas (vital spots). The knowledge about these Marmas plays a major role in the effective practice of Kalari Chikitsa. The underlying principle of Kalari Chikitsa is that an abnormality to any system of the human body such as nervous system, musculo-skeletal system can happen only if anyone or more of the 107 vital spots are bruised. The treatment is all about detecting the vital spots affected and curing them to normalcy.
The fact that Kalari Chikitsa concentrates on treating the affected vital spots by curing the root cause and not the symptoms, makes it the most suitable method for the treatment of sprains, bruises, fractures and dislocations. In Kalari Chikitsa, nothing hostile to the body is used and nothing toxic is left behind, unlike allopathic treatment. This makes Kalari Chikitsa free from side effects. Several cases where surgery is a must in modern techniques of therapy can be cured by Kalari Chikitsa without the surgical blade coming into play. Also, there have been so many cases in which Kalarichikilsa has succeeded where modern therapy was helpless.
Kalari Treatment
The different treatment methods used in Kalari Chikitsa are
1. Uzhichil -
It is a complete system, which rejuvenates the nervous and muscular systems of the body and stimulates the blood circulation. Uzhichil is the systematic application of pressure on the muscles according to their structure, at the same time stimulating the nervous stem and the circulatory system. This is done by oiling and massaging the various parts of the body. The practice helps in preparing a healthy body for Kalarippayattu training. It can also enhance the general fitness of a common man. The oil used for Uzhichil depends upon the Prakrutham or physical nature of the person. In general cases, a specially prepared Mukkoott oil is used.
Uzhichil is of two types- one with the hands (Kaiuzhichil) for children, old and people of light build and the other with the feet (Chavuttiuzhichil) for young and healthy persons. Uzhichil is always done so as to minimize the pressure on the heart and on the nerves to the heart, massaging from the waist downwards and upwards to the upper part of the body. The pressure and the force of massage is increased day by day till the 4th and then reduced so as to reach the minimum again on the 7th day. The massage is also done for the face and the head.
2. Kizhithirummu -
In this method, specially prepared herbs and leaves are bundled in a cloth bag, known as Kizhi. This Kizhi is dipped into a Thailam (Medicated oil) the temperature of which is determined according to the physique of the patient. The combination of the oil also changes depending on the nature. The Kizhi is applied with certain pressure on the body where there is pain and swelling. Kizhithirummu is very effective in treating osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. This is also useful to treat age-old bruises and disorders. Njavarakizhi, a particular type of Kizhi is used to stimulate the nerves and to strengthen the muscles. Njavara, a kind of paddy having medicinal properties is boiled in Kashayam (medicinal decoction) and the Kizhi is made with this boiled Njavara. The Kizhi is dipped in a mixture of milk and medicinal decoction and is applied all over the body.
3. Nasyam -
It is a method of Kalari Chikitsa where the medicated oils are administered through the nose. 'This treatment is effective for sinusitis and other ENT infections.
Kalari and Orthopedics
Kalari has also developed a traditional orthopedic system, which is popular all over the state especially for the setting of displaced or fractured bones and neurological complaints. Here too traditional medical preparations like the herbs, barks and leaves of plants locally available constitute the major ingredients. These medicines are pulverized and made into a paste by adding oil, ghee or white of an egg and put around the area of bone setting. After placing the bones in correct position, twigs will be used as a support to effect immobilization.
The common medicated oil used in Kalari therapy is Murivenna (oil for wounds), which is a traditional folk preparation. An analysis of the medicine used in the Kalari for bone setting and massage will show that the Kalari master of the olden times were influenced by the folk medical knowledge, Ayurveda and siddha medicine.
Who needs Kalari Therapy?
The different categories of people mentioned below can benefit tremendously from Kalari Therapy -Persons who drive vehicles on a regular basis.Persons who are engaged in jobs that require minimal movement. (Usually seated). Persons engaged in adventure sports and games.I.T. Professionals who are at the risk of constantly being exposed to radiation from electronic gadgets and equipments.Persons who travel extensively.Persons suffering from mental and physical stress.
Kalari Therapy helps to check and set right damages, injuries or health blocks that happen to the human body. Kalari Therapy makes the body pliable and supple. It helps to reduce and curb all physical discomfort that can affect the body.
Diseases that can be treated by Kalari Therapy
There are certain diseases that have the best treatments in Kalari Therapy. Kalari Therapy is best suited for - Arthritis (64 types) Migraine (which is of 6 types) Back pain Disc prolepsis Spinal chord disorder Joint problems affecting knees, elbows, shoulders Back pain, hip pain, menopause and postnatal discomforts in women