is the term applied generally to medicines or medicated oils administered
through the nasal passage.
is considered to be the best and the
most specific procedure for diseases of the head or the diseases of
supraclavicular region Because, as stated by Vagbhata the nasal passage is
considered as the gateway of shiras (head) and the drugs introduced through the
nose spread throughout the head and its constituent parts, accordingly
influencing the dosha and the diseases situated in those parts.
In a living being, the head is the place where all
sense faculties reside
Among the different vital points present in head.vital
points are in direct relation to nasya karma. This vital point is the place of
collection of channels of ear, eyes, nose and tongue, being a sense organ does sense
of olfaction and is said to be the door of head. Nasya instilled through nose
enters vital points and gets distributed all over, through the head
Types of nasya
- with fruit juices
- leaf juices
- with roots juice
- with flower juice
- with prepared medicines
- with bark juice
- According to Acharyas-it is good for Cleaning & Soothening
Daily nasya
Specialized Nasya
*Never disturbs dosha
*Dose- 2drops morning
and evening
*Indicated in all
*No complications
*Slow acting and less
*May disturb dosha
*Dose- 6 drops – 10drops
*Seasons and age are
to be considered
*May produce complications
*Quick effective and
highly potent in action
Procedure of Nasya Karma-
Pre procedures-
This includes all the preparations and events that
are to be done up to instillation of medicine.
separate well ventilated room with adequate light is to be built..It should
flourish following needy things-nasya chair or nasya table, nasya medicine,
cotton or dropper or spoon for instillation, spittoon, cloth, attendees, etc.
time of administration of nasya is to be decided after considering the
prevailing season and dosha vitiated..
to be administered with nasya karma has to stay in closed room, light food is
given, after resting for a short duration cleaning of mouth should be done and
he should comfortably lie down relaxed on a cot in supine position, hands and
legs stretched straight. Oilation and sweating for face is done. This is for liquefaction
of dosha and to facilitate easy expulsion of them. Eyes are covered with a
cloth to avoid any spilling of medicine
Head is slightly bent backwards by keeping a pillow
below the shoulder this facilitates easy installation of nasya medicine. Oil is
warmed, nose tip is raised with index finger of left hand and one nostril is
closed with another finger, using right hand medicine is instilled. Exact
measured quantity of medicine to be administered is taken in a spoon of gold,
silver, shell, wood or even administered using a pad of cotton or cloth or a
dropper and dropped in a continues flow into each nostrils one after the other.
Precautions to be taken before instillation-
Quantity of medicine should be exact neither more
nor less, it should not be poured all of a sudden, it should not be too warm or
too cold, patients head should neither be stretched down too much nor elevated
and he should lie relaxed.
Patient should be observed for any complications, if
present than accordingly necessary steps are to be taken.
Post treatment procedures
Mild massage and sweating over throat, cheek, neck, over
shoulder, feet and hands is done. Patient is instructed not to swallow but to
spit the expectoration as it contains doshas. Patient should lie still in same
position for 10 minutes, should not shake his head, talk, laugh, sneeze, yawn
as these prevent the medicine reaching the expected place and. fomentation and gargling
with warm water should be done for cleaning throat