Month wise regimen of pregnant woman according to ayurveda

I Month
1.    Non medicated milk.
2.    Favorable food twice daily.
3.    sweet oily fluid diet
4.    Milk medicated for twice a day.
5.    First 12 days – medicated ghee.
6.    Drink water, boiled with gold or silver and cooled.
II Month
1.    Milk medicated with sweet.
2.    sweet fluid diet.
III Month
1.    Milk with honey and ghee.
2.    Cooked wheat rice with milk.
3.    vegetables
IV Month
1.    Butter prepared from milk (or)      Milk with butter
2.    Cooked barley rice with with adequate quantity of butter from milk and meat.
3.    Milk.
4.    medicated rice.
V Month
1.    Ghee extracted from milk or Ghee with milk.
2.    barley rice with milk with adequate quantity of ghee.
3.    ghee extracted from milk
4.    green gram soup
5.    sweet with milk
VI Month
1.    sweetened ghee from milk.
2.    Ghee or soup medicated with Gokshura.
3.    milk ghee alone.
4.    sweetened curd.
VII Month
1.    sweetened ghee from milk.
2.    Treat the itching.
3.    Ghee medicated with blood purifying drugs.
VIII Month
1.    soup prepared with milk and mixed with Ghee
2.    oily vegetable soup and meat soup.
3.    rice cooked in milk along with Ghee
4.    oil enema
IX Month
1oil enema.
1b.   vaginal suppository of the same oil.
2.    Bath with medicated water .
4.    Various diet.
5.    soup.