Regimen During Pregnancy


1.       Take congenial diet.
1.       Avoid strong, hot, heavy food and medicines.
2.       Use likening, fluids, sweet, oily substances treated with digestion improving.
2.       Avoid alcohol containing  like wine etc.
3.       Use nourishing  group of drugs both externally and internally.
3.       Not to take meat excessively.
4.       Use butter, ghee and milk.
4.       Give up increased intake of water and high catabolic.
5.       Take the diet according to living place, season and agni.
5.       Avoid dried, wet, putrified, stale food.
6.       Use hot water.
6.       Avoid Vishtambi Ahara.
7.       Take elephant foot and stool softening  substances along with juices.
7.       Not to take beans, curd, heavysour substances and hot milk.

8.       Not to eat clay, elephant foot etc.
1.       Maintain good conduct.
1.       Not to do excessive exercise and intercourse.
2.       Sleeping and sitting places
          (a)    covered with soft cushion or mattress.
          (b)    contain pillow.
          (c)    perfect and very comfortable.
2.       Not to ride over vehicles.
3.       During eclipse, go into house and offer oblation to free from the clutches of planets 
3.       Give up the things contrary to sense organs and other harmful articles.
4.       Offer alms to beggars.
4.       Avoid day sleep and night vigil

5.       Avoid squatting pose etc.

6.       Avoid massages, Panchakarma, blood letting.

7.       Avoid constipation .

8.       Avoid outing, visiting of lonely places, cremation ground,   etc.

9.       Avoid high pitch talk.

10.     Not to be fatigued.

11.     Avoid articles likely to aggravate Doshas.

12.     Avoid Peeping in the pit or well.

13.     Avoid sleeping in supine position.

14.     Not to look at descending noon, setting sun and both the Rahus.
1.       Wear clean, white and loose garments
1.       Not to wear red garments.
2.       Wear ornaments.
2.       Not to touch dirty or disfigured persons possessing less body parts.
3.       Living place should be free from insects like mosquitoes etc.
3.       Give up foul smelling, awful looking substances.
4.       Take bath daily.

1.   Be happy.
1.       Avoid utter harsh words and violent activities.
2.   Live a pious life.
2.       Avoid grief, fear etc.
3.   Perform joyful functions.
3.       Give up exciting stories.
4.   Perform auspicious deeds.
4.       Avoid the places where thoughts likely to promote anger, fear etc.
5.   Worship diety, brahmanas & priest.

6.   Husband and relatives should behave affectionately.

7.   Should follow elderly advice